Well the weather didn't hold us back nearly as much as we feared earlier in the day.  The task committee picked a good one that, for the most part, kept courseline out of the overdevelopment.  But, in the end no one made it to goal.  

It was a tough fight all the way with many landing near the first turnpoint, including (reportedly) Gerolf and Atilla.  Jonny, Curt and Italian Eduardo lead the way for the most part and eeked out as many kilometers as possible.  Curt and Eduardo managed to get within 10km of goal, with Primoz just short of them and Jonny down at 16km short.  

The storm we watched blow up to the east didn't encroach on the course at all.  But, instead another cell exploded from the opposite direction and forced Vix to stop the task at 17:50.  

lonely goal